1. All bags and props are subject to a security check upon entry.
  2. Functional weapons of any kind are not permitted, including but not limited to: real swords, knives, blades, scissors, bats, guns, cap guns, gel blasters, air-soft guns.
  3. Approved materials for props are foam, rubber, cardboard, plastic, papier-mâché, and other light materials.
  4. Wooden props are generally ok, but will be reviewed by security. Wooden bats are not permitted. Wooden props must not have pointed ends.
  5. Prop firearms that resemble real firearms must have a brightly colored cap.
  6. Costumes that contain hate symbols or symbols of hate groups are not permitted.
  7. All bladed prop weapons must be blunt. Live steel (metal) is not permitted on the venue grounds.
  8. Bows must have low string tension, and be incapable of firing.
  9. Replica metal/bladed weapons purchased from a dealer at Ultra Gaming Expo must be kept in the box. Unboxing or handling the replica on the convention floor is not permitted.